Monday, June 6, 2011

Week 5: Team Road Race (39km)

We are going to extend the first set of five races and try to run the Team Road Race that was cancelled a couple of weeks ago.

For week five we will return to the Priddis meeting spot at the corner of Highways 22 and 22X. This is the same place we met for the road race. The course will be quite different, we will start on highway 22x (Spruce Meadows Trail) and ride East to 37th Street (Highway 773) and turn South. At Township road 221 (still Highway 773) turn right. Continue West on Township road 221 until it bends left and turns into Rand Road 21A. Stay on this road for several bends and it will turn to Township road 214. When you reach highway 22 turn right and head north for approximately 7km to the finish line at the observatory just before the parking lot.

The race format will be the ever popular team race. In this, we divide the riders into a fairly evenly mixed few teams and assign them the task of getting the bulk of their team over the line before the other teams. In other words, it's not which team can get one rider over first but rather who can get the rest of their riders over before the other teams. We've run these before and they have proven quite popular and a great exercise in working together, communication, and tactics as the teams work amongst themselves and against the other teams. We'll set the number of riders on a team and the number of teams once we get an idea of the total number of riders that we'll have out for the evening. This is a race for everyone, regardless of ability, and a great experience. This is good opportunity for experienced racers to work on their race strategy and novice racers to learn about race strategy.

The race will start at 7:00 PM to allow for additional time to get to the race and we have currently have light until later in the evening. If everyone can register by 6:45 and I'll divide everyone into teams and get the race started at 7.

As always, we can use a few volunteers for this event to help at the corners and at the finish line.

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Anonymous said...
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Rick C said...

I will show up to volunteer if its a go.