Wednesday, July 4, 2012

40 K TT Report/Results

Here are the provisional results, adjusted for the red light stops. Some really fast times tonight, great going everyone. If something does not look right, let me know. Several people scored bonus points when their times were adjusted for the slightly longer course (41.5 k).

A Group
1. Evan Baker 57:27
2. Dallas Morris 58:44
3. Jack VanDyk 59:20
4. Cody Godlonton 1:00:05
5. Rick Courtney 1:00:12
6. Mike Waldhuber 1:01:55
7. Isaac Beall 1:02:31
8. Reinier Paauwe 1:02:43
9. Barrie Furlong DNF/Flat

B Group
1. Walter Loeppky 1:03:37
2. Lampros Antoniou 1:04:36
3. Glenn Miles 1:05:18
4. Simon Forman 1:10:25

C Group
1. Rick Richard 1:06:24
2. John Banister 1:08:13
3. Brad Barron 1:09:30
4. Andy Hill 1:11:19
5. Kailee Boyle 1:11:35
6. Andres Perdomo 1:12:24
7. Stan Alboiu 1:12:35
8. Willie VanSevenant 1:16:37
9. David Baker 1:17:31
10. Shelly Bender 1:17:48
11. Dave Robertson 1:21:16
Mark Perry, Jeremie Green and Rod Schuhart all Flat/DNF

Excellent Volunteers:
Marc Enter
Randy Szasz
Stephen Kenny
Thomas Yip
Frank Cosman

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike

Looks like my first name on this list was missspelled: Stan Alboiu instead of Dan Alboiu.

