Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tomorrow night's WNS.

This Wednesdays race is a long crit course. The 2.5km course is fabulous and should be fast and fun.
Start time is 6:30.
Cat A 25 minutes +2 laps
Cat B 20 minutes plus 2 laps
Cat C 20 minutes plus 1 lap
Rev 'em up!

It's time to give a little. I need more volunteers due to my lack of experience and early onset dimentia (I forget peoples names the instant they are told to me). Someone to help at the finish line and more people on the corners. Steve will be there early to sweep corners and could use a hand. I'll get there around 6:30 for a 6:45 start time.



AlanO said...

I can volunteer

AlanO said...

I can volunteer

Brad said...

I will volunteer

Adrian said...

I'll be around to volunteer as well