Wednesday, June 15, 2011's not locusts, just rain...

My comprehensive analysis of the weather radar combined with some forward modelling and and probablistic analysis has determined that it is indeed raining. The fact that the crack dealers across the street from my office are still operational tends to suggest that it either is not raining that hard, or Charlie Sheen is in town. Either way, it looks like it should pass and although a little annoying, rain doesn't tend to inflict much damage, so I will show up tonight and as long as the weather isn't too bad, we'll race. Sorry I can't be more definitive, but I hate cancelling races and want to give it any opportunity to go. And if Charlie Sheen is in town, you're welcome to come and volunteer, but I'm afraid you can't race. Although I understand you are addicted to winning, I have no category for warlocks and the tiger's blood is a definite no-no.

1 comment:

Marcy Kimpton said...

Thanks to all the volunteers for putting the race on and standing in the rain to cheer!