Friday, July 5, 2013

Series 2 Week 5 - Springbank 40K ITT. July 10, 2013

Ze Bridge is open, We are good to go - Calling Monsieur Chrono!

Lets make like Jacques Anquetil in full aero gear this Wednesday.  Weather forecast is excellent.  We'll plan for a 6:45 start time.  That should let everyone get there and get warmed up.

Start and finish points are Lower Springbank road and RR31. Marked on map as "A".
Bonus points on tap for the over 40 KPH crew.

Please try to park at the church on 69th and ride over.  The fewer cars on the road, the fewer complaints.

Looking for volunteers.  Please consider or bring someone along.

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inbeall said...

I rode 22 today and the bridge is open.

Mike S said...

I can volunteer

Trev said...

Another OK place to park would be the Community Center / High School where the parking was for the JayLap Hill Climb last year.

I can volunteer.
